Online Kaputī & Kōrero 3.0

Reconciliation & Peacemaking

Mauri ora e te whānau whānui Tēnei te mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa

As we continue to explore our current overarching theme of Peacemaking and Reconciliation, our next Kaputī and Kōrero 3.0 is going to dive into anger.

Is it ok to be angry in the quest for Justice? Are there different types of anger? Can anger be a catalyst for change? Is anger an obstacle to overcome? Is there a good way to express it or do we just need to deal with it?

Join us as Father and Daughter combo Jordyn Rapana and Luke Kaa-Morgan invite us into an intimate kōrero between them as they consider the pātai (questions) above and how anger has played a part in their personal and ministry life.

Our Speakers


He uri tēnei nō Whāingaroa, nō Samoa hoki.


Jordyn is a Māmā, a wife, super close with her whānau, and is passionate about justice outcomes for Māori. She teaches te reo Māori, lectures at Carey Baptist College, writes/sings songs, creates content & is doing post-grad study in theology. Jordyn has recently been woven into the Ngā Wai Hōhonu whānau in the kaikōkiri role and is hopeful for the way our Creator will continue to be made known to us in the journey ahead.


Luke is married to Marieta, nō Hāmoa and has spent 30 years in pastoral leadership in local Baptist contexts and served in various roles with Baptist Māori Ministries (Manatū Iriiri Māori). The final 10 years Luke had the privilege to be led by kaihautū, David Moko. Luke is currently serving at Carey Baptist College as Te Pou Arataki mō te hīkoi - a role to guide the Treaty journey. He is excited to see what God is doing in the theological space among Māori who are provoked to interrogate systems, alongside their Pākehā counterparts, for the sake of reconciliation and the Gospel.


He uri ahau nō Whāingaroa, Tainui Āwhiro ngūnguru i te pō, ngūnguru i te ao.

Ngā Wai Hōhonu Symposium 2021

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